الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Addon including TouchwizUX

This Addon Pack is meant to bring Galaxy S3 feeling to Googles Galaxy Nexus. We are going to add as much as possible from Samsungs Galaxy S3, so we will end up inspired by nature and made for… robots
If you find any new Samsung Galaxy S3 apps working for the Galaxy Nexus, feel free to contact me and I will try to include it in future updates!

The Galaxy Nexus MrMaddon-Pack adds a bunch of stock-apps that were ported by xda-members, some SGS3 feeling with (system) sounds and icons directly ripped from leaked frameworkres.apk/systemui.apk/systemapps of the SGS3 ROM and many more features.

You can flash it over every CM9-nightly (AOPK and some other ROMs are confirmed working too).

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